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Tuesday, 8 April 2014

6 Essential Steps to Healthier Hair - Part 3 of 3

This month, we bring you the final part of our series on hair care! Below are our final two tips to achieving beautiful, healthy hair:

5. Introduce Other Vitamins, Foods, and Herbs

Fo-ti, nettle, biotin, clove, rosemary, sage, peppermint, cayenne, apple cider vinegar, and beer? 

Yes, all of these contribute to better hair; some topically, while others work best internally. If you do ask for a customized shampoo and conditioner from us, you may find that we include some of these ingredients. For example, hibiscus is great for red-colored hair, organic beer for more volume, sage for growth, and so on.

6. Last but not Least: Select the Right Shampoo & Conditioner

At Nature’s Way Body Care, you can request a custom hair treatment. Unlike our skin, each and everyone's hair is unique and cannot be simply categorized; hair may be dry, greasy, coloured, curly, chemically treated, etc.

When you ask for a formulation, we will want to know about your specific hair condition; is it dry? Does it tangle easily? Is it colored? What is your nationality? (For example, our Product Artisan, Jessy, has black, afro hair, which predetermines her hair type)

Nature’s Way will formulate a shampoo and conditioner that will quench your hairs’ need for proper pH (usually a determining factor), protein and fat, along with a few herbals specific to your needs. We strongly believe in aromatherapy, and, we may recommend essential oils to be added to your custom-made hair treatment. In combination with following the above steps, Nature’s Way hair formulations will ensure that you have the best results for healthy hair -- Nature’s Way.

Do you have any other tips for optimum hair health that you'd like to share? Leave a comment below... we'd love to hear it!